Become a Member — HEMAA

Become a Member

If you're in a club or a someone who trains solo, HEMAA membership provides benefits to both you and the HEMA community.

Benefits of Membership

Being a HEMA Alliance member doesn't just mean benefits for yourself - you help support important initiatives like the HEMA club finder, event support, and HEMA awareness.  Applicable to US residents only.

You membership means that more people get to enjoy historical European martial arts.

  • Exclusive discounts through HEMAA related vendors. (See list of Vendors with Discounts)

  • Discounts on registration when attending HEMA Alliance sponsored or supported events. (See Event Discounts)

  • Run for the HEMAA governing council.

  • Members have voting rights - have your voice heard as we help support the community.

  • Martial arts liability insurance. Helpful if you train solo, but HEMAA membership is required if you belong to a HEMAA Affiliate Club.

Starting $52 a year for annual membership (discounts as low as $26 a year for members of HEMAA Affiliates)

Not sure if you're already a member?

  • We are in the middle of implementing new and improved Membership Checkers. In the meantime, please email the HEMA Alliance GC and we will review as soon as possible.