2023-2025 GC Term — HEMAA

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2023-2025 GC Term

By joint decision of the HEMA Alliance Board of Directors and Governing Council, the HEMAA GC Elections for the 2023-2025 term will not be held due to the lack of candidates.  Of the four positions up for election, President and three Councilors, only three candidates volunteered for the positions.  

As such, Jeremy Steflik will remain in the elected position of GC President for his third, and final, consecutive term.

We're pleased to introduce our new GC members:  Janna Datahan and Lee Kristensen!

After taking up the sword in late 2019, Janna has immersed herself in the world of Historical European Martial Arts. Not only is she an active competitor and event organizer, Janna is also a regular guest on the “By the Sword” Podcast and is the host of her own “Swords Against Humanity” podcast. It was the strong sense of community and the uplifting support she received within HEMA that captured her attention. Janna sees being part of the Governing Council of the HEMA Alliance as an opportunity to return the favor and give back to the community that supported her. It is her goal to work hard to be a voice for underrepresented and underserved peoples, and to advocate for inclusion and equity within HEMA.

Lee started HEMA in 2020, focusing on Longsword. He enjoys D&D/Pathfinder, reading, and binging Netflix. Lee lives in New England and works as a scientist researching molecular biology. He enjoys eating and drinking with friends, tattoos, and playing video games. He is training to be an instructor at Athena because his instructors inspire him, and he wants to give back to the HEMA community. Lee has attended several tournaments these past few years and enjoys competing.

The HEMAA and the HEMA community are grateful for the work Patrick McCaffrey and Stacy Stocki have done during their time on the GC.  Their efforts both behind the scenes and in public-facing roles have helped immensely and we wish them well as they move on to other endeavors in the HEMA community.

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